Tuesday 30 November 2010

Night Bus Drawings

I was coming home from White City last night, all the way to north London, while there was a tube strike. Never a good idea. But there was no other option than to get two very long and bumpy night buses. So to pass the time I got out my pen and sketchbook and amused myself by drawing drunk people who had fallen asleep. It was a bit tricky because the bus was so bumpy so everytime the bus stopped I scribbled away as quick as I could before the bus took off again.

The Art of Looking Sideways

Just started reading Alan Fletcher's 'The Art of Looking Sideways' yesterday. Seems a pretty massive book, but figured I needed a crash course into learning about him. Should keep me occupied.

Creative Littering

I saw this the other day while I was out in Oxford Street begining my christmas shopping. It made the day worthwhile at least.

Harry Pearce

I went to see Harry Pearce speak the other day at D&AD. I was blown away. He gave a whole new inspiration to design and thinking. Really triggered when he spoke about opening your eyes to what's around and how great ideas come from observation. My dad also brought his conundrams book which we spent most of the bus journey back trying to figure out!


Urban Rothko

Been Meaning to get this project off the ground for a while now, but braved the cold and went on a long walk from Camden to Muswell Hill. I'm looking at grafitti that the council have to decided to 'get rid off'. Instead they paint these amazing blocks of mis-matching colour over and just create abstract grafitti. Pretty cool.