Saturday 24 September 2011

This is brilliant!

Wednesday 21 September 2011

The white pencil

It was the white pencil sharp'ner last night in covent garden, with mr Manchipp hosting a panel discussing 'how using creativity can change the world'. The white pencil brief is about raising awareness of a charity, Peace One Day, so the challange is to use creativity to engage people and make them 'give a shit, and do something'.

It was a brilliant evening with loads of ideas flying about, but here are some points I found really interesting...

Unlike selling a product, where conventional print advertising is enough to communicate a message, getting someone to change there social behavior involves exploiting a range of different / new channels to encourage a behavioral change. Tell them something, they'll forget. Remind them, and they'll remember. But involve them, and they'll understand.

Behavior is responsive, smile and someone will smile back. Be angry, and the same will happen to you. So to get people to change, you have to lead by example. 

Getting people to change their behavior must be made as easy as possible, give people the tools to facilitate change, you have to put something in peoples hands.

A guy from VentureThree seemed to think the problem lay with those 'big bad companies' i.e. coke-cola, that influence so many. Persuade them to change, and it will filter. Interesting...

What for me however stole the show, was a comment Sanky made. He was talking about us, what we can do to raise awareness of peace one day. Start with something, something that you can do. A brilliant example he mentioned was Movember, an initiative that started with a few friends but something that has gone global and make millions for charity.

5 min page

Had to do a presentation today about our blog. I chose to do it on slides as i didn't want to go through my whole blog. Here are a few of the slides

Monday 19 September 2011

More tea..

Having a cup of tea with Fredrick at the local pub. Free wi-fi, say no more!


Our tea photo, accidentally raised my mug a bit to high and blocked Anna!

Tuesday 13 September 2011


If there were a time / place to think of great ideas, it would be talking over coffee...

Favorite typography

I think this is absolutely brilliant! I even bough the poster.

Self portrait

Love this 'Dear photograph' idea, one of those 'I'd wish I'd done that!' ones.
That's me on the left in the Robin costume.

Something I love

I really do love this whole idea, changing the way we act towards one another on the tube.
Here's a link to what it's about


Some good links that I check now and again...

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Jasper James

A really nice sequence of photos by Jasper James where the shadow creates the background.

They actually sell these somewhere!

Dear photograph

I've this idea about, but I was sent this website the other day. It's a really lovely idea, and I always like when someone opens it up for anyone to send in a photograph, you get a really nice range, rather than when one designer does it all.

Friday 2 September 2011

Sketchbook stuff

A few pages from London / India sketchbooks...


I'm not going to upload all my holiday snaps, but here are just a few I took on my pocket camera of funny things in India!

Ha! Someone just sent me this.

Back home

I'm back finally from a 7 week trip to India! Waiting to get photos developed which could take a while, but enjoying being home! Seems I've missed out on a lot of things in London, but need to get down to see this!