Sunday 29 January 2012


After much debate, I'm finally saying bye to blogger, and hello to Tumblr!
So you can still follow me, just on this

Thursday 19 January 2012

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Monday 16 January 2012

Interesting things

Zelda gave us a talk today on photography showing us some really interesting photographers I'd never heard of.

In order.
Dhruv malhotra (sleeping delhi) /
Oscar Fernando Gomez (Taxi driver)/
Suzanne Opton (Soldiers who have killed)

Hello Queeny

For one of my projects I've written to loads of people asking if I can have something for free. I hope she gives me a free stamp.

Holiday project

One of our holiday projects was to invent a 'Tag'. I started by questioning what a tag is, and realised it was simply about leaving a mark of yourself. So being called Jack Beveridge, this is whatI did. The second image was a confession we had to tell everyone...

Hello 2012

This is, I'm afraid to say, my first post of the new year. I've been meaning to do so but for one reason or another (mainly the new Sherlock series on BBC) I haven't got round to it.

I've kept a folder of things I like this year so here is a late round up, plus a few things I've nicked from one of the many best of 2011 blogs.