Tuesday 29 November 2011

Monday 28 November 2011

Ghost posters

Keep your head down

I was on the tube the other day where everyone there was looking at there phone, including me sadly!

Tree leaves!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Well that looks fun!

RCA Design Interaction

Really lovely work from this course. Here are some of my favorite projects.

Marguerite Humeau

Bjorn franke

Onkar Kular
Before + after dinner belt
Cutlery for fast eaters
Pantone tea colour mugs


An amazing project by a RCAdesign interaction student!

Tobias Revell
Second Year


In 2045, a synthetic biology research corporation, suspecting that its technology has been leaked, send out a research party to the slum city of New Mumbai to investigate.
They find that the appalling living conditions of the city, coupled with the ingenuity and collective knowledge of the residents has spawned huge ingenuity in the synthetic fungi the corporation had been working on.
The residents have adapted the huge fungal structures to absorb sunlight and they use them as living power stations for their homes. They also absorb moisture from the air which can be drained off for consumption. Some of the genetic alterations making the fungi super-strong have even allowed them to be used as structures for living and growing crops on.
Repeated studies have shown that slum areas are a hive of productivity. The politcs and finance of science and research are null and void when the only desire is to survive and better the community. Slum areas have the highest recycling and total consumption rates of any areas. Nothing is thrown away, everything has a use or potential for use.

Monday 21 November 2011

Bob Dylan

I saw bob Dylan last night at the Hammersmith Apollo! I tried to take some photos through someones binoculars but I didn't really work

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Sunday 13 November 2011


A very interesting article about ideas / getting stuck / unstuck / breaksthoughs e.c.t

24 hours in photos

This is such a lovely idea by Erik Kessels!
He's printed out all the photos uploaded to Flickr in a 24 hour period.
The idea came from "our over exposure of images nowdays" and I guess
how quick photography can be. You take a photo and have it seen by the world
in under 5 mins...

Shame it's in Amsterdam I would have loved to go and see it!

Monday 7 November 2011

Type as image

Hidden Heros

I literally can't WAIT until this exhibition starts at the Science museum. Its called hidden heros and it's about objects we couldn't live without. I'll post something when I actually go but for now check out Johnson Banks thought for the week on it!

Also the posters are pretty cool!

Our friday crits

I read this article the other week. There are some really funny presentations that obviously worked really well. But what I found really fascinating was how much this related to what were doing in our crits at Kingston.

The story is that the client team arrived at reception, where they were pointedly ignored for several minutes. Eventually the receptionist asked what they wanted. After explaining that they were there for a presentation, the clients were grudgingly told they could "wait in there". They entered a room which stank of old cigarette smoke, its floor littered with cardboard cups and old newspapers, where they sat on hard chairs for several minutes without any contact. Finally, when they were on the brink of storming out, the agency team entered the room. "We've just treated you the way the public believes you treat your customers," explained the agency. "Now we'll show you what we intend to do about that..."

They won the account.


Did you know Google only accesses 20% of the web! how f-ing amazing is that!

Sunday 6 November 2011

Vacant / Engaged

In a Monday idea generating session, one of the questions was to design an international symbol for telling if a toilet was engaged or vacant. Weird, but interesting. Anyway I just thought of better idea than I had originally...

Builders tea

I've been doing a little research into handles, but while doing that I came up with a range a builders mugs for builders tea!

Shower blade

Pleeeze dyson, can you make a shower airblade and make everyone's life easier!


Helmans and Heinz should team up and create a half ketchup, half mayonnaise bottle..yummm

Museum of the absurd

An idea for the museum of the absurd. A sound installation where the sound of a pin dropping could be amplified 1000x to sound like a bomb going off!

Sony should...

Make billboards into big Sony TV's during the Olympics so people can watch live tv


Just a thought on how arrows can be a deadly weapon, yet also be the most useful device in pointing you in the right direction...

selling sharks?

Well I haven't got round to uploading some idea'a'day stuff over the last week or so, so I'll make a start.

How would you sell a shark as a utility product?
A hole punch.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Drawing on newspapers is always fun

Thursday 3 November 2011

Harry Pearce

Harry Pearce designing the new annual reminded me about a talk I went to see of his.
I managed to find the video! Just watched it again. Really amazing

D&AD Annual 2011

It was the launch of Sanky's new annual last night in D&AD's new offices.
The annual was designed with Harry Pearce and Nat Hunter trying to create
the most sustainable annual to date, with an impressive 82% lower carbon footprint
than last year...