Monday 7 November 2011

Our friday crits

I read this article the other week. There are some really funny presentations that obviously worked really well. But what I found really fascinating was how much this related to what were doing in our crits at Kingston.

The story is that the client team arrived at reception, where they were pointedly ignored for several minutes. Eventually the receptionist asked what they wanted. After explaining that they were there for a presentation, the clients were grudgingly told they could "wait in there". They entered a room which stank of old cigarette smoke, its floor littered with cardboard cups and old newspapers, where they sat on hard chairs for several minutes without any contact. Finally, when they were on the brink of storming out, the agency team entered the room. "We've just treated you the way the public believes you treat your customers," explained the agency. "Now we'll show you what we intend to do about that..."

They won the account.

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