Wednesday 23 November 2011


An amazing project by a RCAdesign interaction student!

Tobias Revell
Second Year


In 2045, a synthetic biology research corporation, suspecting that its technology has been leaked, send out a research party to the slum city of New Mumbai to investigate.
They find that the appalling living conditions of the city, coupled with the ingenuity and collective knowledge of the residents has spawned huge ingenuity in the synthetic fungi the corporation had been working on.
The residents have adapted the huge fungal structures to absorb sunlight and they use them as living power stations for their homes. They also absorb moisture from the air which can be drained off for consumption. Some of the genetic alterations making the fungi super-strong have even allowed them to be used as structures for living and growing crops on.
Repeated studies have shown that slum areas are a hive of productivity. The politcs and finance of science and research are null and void when the only desire is to survive and better the community. Slum areas have the highest recycling and total consumption rates of any areas. Nothing is thrown away, everything has a use or potential for use.

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